Course Code & Title Generic Elective Course- Cluster VIII
Class Cluster - VIII Semester V
Course Objectives

The Course aims
• To learn about fermented microbial products.
• To learn about microbial infections.
• To learn about vaccination process and Immunization schedule


UNIT Content No. of Hours

Fermented foods and role of microbes in waste recycling: Fermented foods – Dairy products - Cheese, Fermented vegetables - Sauer Kraut, Single Cell Protein. Role of microorganisms in biodegradation of solid waste - composting, Production of bio-fuel.


Clinical and Antimicrobial chemotherapy: Normal flora microorganisms and their significance in health - Microbial pathogens: Contagious disease - AIDS, Nosocomial infections. Mode of action of antibiotics – Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Streptomycin, Chemical agents – Sulfonamides & Sulfa drugs.

Vaccines: Definition, Types of vaccine-Whole microbial vaccines – Live and Attenuated vaccines, -Heat killed vaccines- Bacterial vaccines, viral vaccines, DNA vaccines, Vaccination schedule.

Text Books:
1. Frazier W.C and Westhoff D.C 1989 Food Microbiology. 8th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill LTD. New Delhi.
2. Prescott L. M ; J.P Heavy and D.A. Klein 1993 Microbiology 7th edition Wm C- Brown Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. Jeffrey C. Pommerville, Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, 8th edition. Blackwell Publications.

2. Ronald M. Atlas, Richard Bartha. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and applications 4th Edition. Benjamin Cummings Publication.

Course Outcomes On completion of the course, students should be able to do

CO1: Some fermented products by using microorganisms.
CO2: Identification of microbial pathogens.
CO3: Vaccination for next generation.

 Components for Generic Elective Course (EDC):
• Two Tests [2 x 30] - 60 Marks
[ONE test is compulsory]
• Any TWO Skill Innovative Tasks* [2 x 20] - 40 Marks
[ONE Task is compulsory]
Total - 100 Marks
* Skill Innovative Tasks
(a) Assignment
(b) E-Content Creation / Model Preparation
(c) Survey
(d) Seminar
(e) Group Discussion
(f) Student Presentation
(g) Quiz
(h) Book / Journal Review
(i) On-line Training
(j) Library Work
Question Paper Pattern:
• Test – I : 2 Hours [4 out of 6 Essay type questions] – 4 x 7.5 = 30 Marks
• Test –II : 3 Hours [6 out of 8 Essay type questions] – 6 x 5 = 30 Marks
 Students can choose any ONE EDC from the cluster offered by the college at UG level, other than the course offered by their own department.
 The passing minimum for EDC is 40.
 When a candidate fails the EDC paper, he/she can re-appear for the required test/component in the subsequent semesters.